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Karlie Grace Dancer's Dance School Logo Emblem with text


Karlie Grace's Signature


Karlie Grace Dancers is so proud to be bringing our regular classes online. During this time, it is so important for us to stay connected, fit and engaged and we are bring this to you through our interactive online program. Our online program allows you to continue on your dancing journey from the safety of your own home.


We bring this to you through our online classroom platform, Seesaw, and the use of live streaming our interactive classes through zoom.


We want KGD to be the place where lifelong connections and friendships are made and we are so excited to be continuing to offer our classes and to serve our students in the best way we know how during this time.


Our online classroom provides you with your personalised access to your individual lessons, recordings of previous lessons to practice to, and bonus material to help you in your continued learning and development.

Class Outline & Fee Structure

Please complete your details below to receive our Online Class prospectus which includes a detailed outline of our online class & fee structure in addition to other information you require to sign up online.

How To Enrol

To enrol, you can simply click on the button below.  Enrolling in our online classes is quick and simple through our booking system. Once enrolled you'll receive a detailed email with instructions on how to join Seesaw and get started in our online community! 

Have Questions?

We would love to hear from you. Feel free to fill out the contact form below and we will be in touch as soon as we can.

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© 2022 Karlie Grace Dancers

A.B.N: 48 937 170 937

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