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You can sponsor our upcoming showcase and an advertisement will be placed the 2024 showcase programme and in the 'Friends & Sponsors' page of our website with links to your business website.
Every family will receive a digital download, however if you would like a hard copy you can order via the button below AFTER the Showcase.


A full list of exactly what tights are required for each specific dance routine is located on the “Dress Rehearsal” schedule section.


In summary though:

-Energetiks brand ‘Theatrical Pink’ coloured tights for Classical Ballet & Neo-Classical routines.

-Energetiks brand ‘Skin’ coloured tights for both Jazz and Tap routines.

We suggest getting convertible versions of the above, so they can be rolled up for Acrobatics and Contemporary routines.

All tights can be purchased at Energetiks located at Fountain Gate Shopping Centre.


Please see below for an ‘example look’ for each style of dance (please note; these costumes are examples and are not necessarily your child's exact costumes for the Showcase).


Please ensure students are wearing flesh coloured or appropriate underwear on the day underneath their tights and costumes. No bright colours as you will see this in the performance. 

Older students who require bust support are encouraged to purchase a dance-specific flesh coloured bra from any Dancewear stores, to ensure no bra straps are visible underneath costumes.



Please see the full list of exactly what shoes are required for each specific dance routine that is located on the “Dress Rehearsal” schedule section.

All shoes are as per our Uniform guidelines and can be purchased at Energetiks DanceWear store at Fountain Gate Shopping Centre.

Please see below for pictures of each style of shoe for reference.

Please note, foot thongs will be required for all Contemporary routines, bare feet for all Acrobatics routines and own black sneakers / street shoes for all Hip Hop routines.



The great thing about the KGD Showcase is that you do not need to organise your own costume, we do all the hard work for you! KGD will be responsible for transporting our hundreds of costumes and props to and from the venue. 

Please ensure you leave your costumes at the theatre upon your departure, as these remain the property of KGD. The parent helpers will be responsible for ensuring they are packed correctly back in the tubs and all accounted for. Where a costume is taken home and not returned, you will be charged the full fee to replace this costume.


Again please view the full list of exactly what hairstyles are required for each specific dance routine that is located on the “Dress Rehearsal” schedule section. All Preschool and Beginner students will require a 'Ballet bun.'


Most dances will require a “Ballet Bun” to be slicked back and positioned slightly higher on the crown of the head. Please ensure you use a bun-nette matching in hair colour (can be purchased from chemists) to ensure the hair doesn't fall out. Hair is to be slicked back with hairspray (use waterspary and / or gel for difficult or shorter hair). Bun nets, bun pins can be purchased from chemists, however for a stress-free hair experience we suggest purchasing bun nettes and ripple pins from the Hair Warehouse or any other hair supplier. The ripple pins don’t fall out and make doing a bun so much easier!


Click on the link below to purchase online:


*We suggest purchasing any bun pins, bobby pins, bun nettes, hair ties in a matching colour to your child’s hair.


Tip: You might like to use this occasion as an opportunity to obtain a container or small case to collate your child’s hair kit (many KGD students have this in place already and just keep it in their ballet bag on a weekly basis, this will serve as your go-to place for all your dance occasions;  Photo days, Dress Rehearsals, Concerts, Ballet Exams, Competitions…for years to come!


Please see the sample photos below for a standard KGD Ballet bun:













Many parents ask about the dance showcase make-up requirement….


It’s not unusual for parents to be a little hesitant to allow their younger children to wear make-up to their end of year dance concert. Parents don’t want their kids growing up too fast and looking older than they are – we understand this.


But what we say to parents is the tradition of wearing make-up on stage dates back hundreds of years. In the days before we had cameras that zoom in and project the performers onto the big screens (think about any major concert or show you’ve ever been to in a large theatre or arena situation), make-up was used to highlight and exaggerate facial features so audience members could see expressions from miles away. Not to mention the bright wash of the stage lights can wash faces out, causing paleness and makes it hard for audience members to see their faces.

You’ve spent money throughout the year on dance tuition, and you’ve paid for showcase tickets, costume hire fees and optional items such as DVD’s and professional photos. So, when your child is on stage with 15 or so other dancers, you want to be able to pick out your child.


This is where stage make-up helps and gives all our students a chance to learn about the traditional stage makeup theatrics and practices along the way.


All students will be required to wear our full KGD stage make up. Most students will be familiar with this that have been with us for a number of years now and it's the same make up for concerts and competitions. Please see the example of the make up attached. Preschool students may do a simple version of this and are not required to do the 2 lines out the sides of the eyes (just basic foundation, eye shadow, eyeliner (if possible), mascara and red lipstick.


Make up necessities:

Foundation - a shade darker than your skin tone

Brown & white/cream eye shadows

Black mascara

Black eyeliner

Red lipstick

Bronzer / blush

Please see the example photos below for the preferred KGD performance look:

  • Please note the above looks are the same, however the Preschoolers do not require the 2 lines out the side of the eye.


Tip: You might like to use this occasion as an opportunity to obtain a container or small case to collate your child’s makeup kit (many KGD students have this in place already as this will serve for all your dance occasions; Photo days, Dress Rehearsals, Concerts, Competitions…for years to come!


All students from Junior level and upwards will be required to wear false eyelashes. At KGD we prefer the 'Jessica or Elsa' styles in the Manicare brand (or anything similar in fullness). These can be purchased from the dance shops and chemists.


Please ensure all personal jewellery has been removed for the performance, along with any nail polish and fake tattoos removed prior. Students from Sub-Junior (POISE) level and upwards will be required to wear diamante earrings. You can purchase these from the following shops: dance shops, chemists, Lovissa, Colette, or you can purchase fake/stick on diamantes from discount stores, craft stores, spotlight, dance shops, etc.



As the Matinee show commences at 12:30pm, we require all students to be at the theatre by 11:30am sharp!

Evening show commences at 6:30pm. Students are required to be at the theatre by 5:30pm sharp!


Upon your arrival please enter through the backstage loading dock on Magid Drive. You will need to park elsewhere then walk around. Parents will need to sign their child in. The dressing room allocation sign will be located in the entrance, this will direct you to what dressing room your child's class will be getting ready in.



Please note only our designated parent volunteers, teachers and staff that have been approved by KGD are permitted to stay backstage throughout the performance. Parents must drop off their child to their designated dressing room, then walk to the front of house (foyer) ready for the show to commence. Parents are to return only at the conclusion of your child's final routine. All children will be fully supervised at all times by all the KGD teachers and staff that will be present, along with designated parent volunteers. In the case of a rare emergency, staff will locate your number and contact you if needed


After each child has completed their last dance routine they will remain dressed in their last costume and will all reappear on stage for the final curtain calls and our special presentations.

Once the Showcase concludes, only one parent per child will be allowed backstage at the conclusion of the show (after curtain calls and presentation ceremony) to collect your child. You will need to sign your child out.



We are seeking any parent volunteers who may be available to assist behind the scenes, helping the students with getting ready; distributing costumes, packing up costumes, helping with costume/shoe/tights changes etc. We would require close to about 25 parents just for each show alone. 

Normally parents will volunteer to help with another show to what their own child is dancing in, because this way we end up helping each other and then parents do not have to miss out on their own child’s performance. 

By volunteering for this role you understand that you are not there to just help your child only, but you will be assigned to a whole class to assist with. Without the correct amount of parent help in the dressing rooms our shows will run longer and the wait times in between each dance will not be as quick as we’d like if we don’t have that parent support. Please register your details using the button below if you are willing to assist. 


Please ensure your child has their name on their bag or a key tag / ribbon attached, or something that your child can identify with. Please ensure all shoes, tights, every single item of clothing is clearly labeled to allow volunteers and staff to identify your child’s belongings with ease when helping them get ready.

Any lost property will be collected and brought back to KGD following the event.



*Bobby pins. Each costume will have a matching hairpiece, so bobby pins are the key to ensuring these do not fall off during the performance. 

*Safety pins for any costume mishaps

*Hair supplies: hair brush, hairspray and (water or gel for difficult hair), matching hair ties to hair colour, bun nets and bun pins to create a tidy ballet bun (please see above).

*Snacks and drinks throughout the day (water only please) to ensure no stains on costumes. Please no eating (and drinking water only) in costumes please. Many costume sets do not have spares incase of an accident.

*A spare pair of tights can always come in handy -  It’s great to have fresh new tights for the showcase and still pack the old ones just in case, or better still, purchase 2 new pairs.

*Please bring a large jacket/dressing gown or your KGD jackets etc, to wear over costumes in between routines or for snacking//drinking in to keep costumes protected.

*Activities: please pack something to entertain your child while waiting for their dance, eg; iPad, colouring in books, books to read, teddy bear, dolly etc..Pencils only, no textas in case of costume stains.


National Photography will be our professional photographer for the event and will be present on the day to take action shots of the students while they're dancing. These will be available to purchase though their website after the event and you will be sent the ordering information shortly.



To our Parents:

In the meantime, if this is your first time with us participating in our Showcase, please don't stress! We will have plenty of 'backstage' helpers and teachers to assist! Please relax and go with the flow and trust that your child is having a wonderful time and having a great little experience, which will in turn assist in developing their self-confidence, performance experience and abilities, teamwork and stage-craft that will empower your child for many years to come!


We hope you enjoy what will be a fabulous event and wonderful showcase of your child's dance journey throughout the year! We are excited to finally share with you what we have been working on behind the scenes and after two long years, are thrilled to see our dancers finally back under the spotlight doing what they love and do best! 


To our Students:

On behalf of myself and the teachers, words cannot explain just how proud we are of each of you to get to this point. After a tumultuous couple of years and many lockdown set-backs, our students have shown that they have endured the test of resilience, dedication, perseverance and are truly committed and there's no stopping them! You have persevered through two of the toughest years in history with such grace and tenacity. You are all superstars in my eyes and will go down in KGD history as a very special group of KG dancers! 

We can’t wait to see you all shine bright at our Showcase on Saturday 7th December.


Love Miss Karlie


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© 2022 Karlie Grace Dancers

A.B.N: 48 937 170 937

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