KGD KIDZ - 2 to 4 yo
At KGD we offer a fresh approach to children’s development through out highly reputable, sought-after and nurturing Pre-School program; KGD KIDZ
Children have a natural tendency to dance. Through their natural movement they express delight, curiosity in themselves, others and the world around them. Our structured classes will continue to inspire and engage your child as varied themes and concepts are included throughout as we further develop their skills based on children’s natural skipping and galloping motor skills. Through the use of imagery, mime and rhymes, these specially designed classes for preschoolers are structured to develop fun, fitness and friendships by instilling the love and enjoyment of dance in your child. The use of props are incorporated to keep our classes fun and interesting! Frequent ‘surprise performances’ from the older KGD students really set the example for the younger students, as they continue to captivate their imaginations and provide them with aspirations! Your child will continue to be engaged whilst developing their social skills, confidence, self-esteem and other advantages that will continue to last them a lifetime.
ASPIRE - 5 & 6 yo
By now your child has spent time in the Preschool level (KGD KIDZ) developing their joy and passion for dance and will be ready to take this love of dance further in the ASPIRE level. Students at this level will start to further understand and appreciate the art of Ballet and the other disciplines on offer at KGD.
At this level the classes are now offered as their own separate classes, which means students can choose from individual classes. Following on from the Preschool level our students generally continue on with: Classical Ballet, Jazz, Tap to ensure they develop competency in the main technical styles of dance. However at this level we also offer extra classes into our curriculum including; Hip Hop and Acrobatics. Please note Contemporary is not offered until age 7 (POISE LEVEL), as a certain degree of technique is required before this class is to be taken.
We encourage students to aim to sit their Ballet assessment, as we find these students will strive towards this goal and will find themselves working harder in their level of training, with increased motivation and will enjoy that sense of accomplishment when being presented with their official Cecchetti Ballet Australia certificate and trophy at the conclusion of the year. Along with this, we find this helps prepare the student for our ELITE stream in the preceding POISE level, as they have the opportunity to join our competition teams. Students in the ASPIRE level will have access to all KGD related social events, such as our disco, movie nights, Halloween dress up days, Disney Days Summer Program and more.
POISE - 7 yo
By now your child has acquired their passion and joy for dance in the KGD KIDZ level concreted their technical foundations in our Beginner ASPIRE level and are now ready for the next step. In conjunction to our existing offerings of: Classical Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Acrobatics and Showtime (musical theatre), we now offer Contemporary/Lyrical classes in the POISE level, however students must study a technique class of Ballet and/or Jazz class in order to meet the technical requirements of this genre. Our more serious Ballet students striving towards our Elite stream at this level will be undertaking two ballet classes per week - their general Ballet class and their Grade 1 Cecchetti exam class, as a prerequisite to reach the correct level for their Ballet exam come July/August. Assuming a student has sat their Pre-primary or Primary level Ballet assessment in the ASPIRE level, are continuing with their Grade 1 Ballet exam in the POISE level and have reached the required standard and maturity within their classes, they we be invited to join our ELITE COMPETITION TEAM in our 8 & under level. Our Elite Competition Team students will train in an extra 60 min class per week as they learn 3 routines which will be performed at two main competitions for the year. Two of these routines will then be showcased at our end of year performance in December. Along with all students within our POISE level being celebrated at our presentation evening in December as they graduate into our next GRACE level and are awarded with their certificate and medal, our Elite Competition Team and Ballet Exam students will also be acknowledged with their commitment to these extra classes and associated accomplishments. Students in our POISE level will have increased opportunities available to them as the year progresses with access to in-house student’s own Choreography Competition, access to our Summer Intensive with industry renowned teachers in January the following year and all school-related social events.
**Please note an entry level beginner student who is age 7 may need to enter previous ASIRE level before commencing the POISE level to learn the fundamentals of basic technique first, depending on the class/es selected.
GRACE - 8 yo
By now your child has acquired their passion and joy for dance in the KGD KIDZ level concreted their technical foundations in our Beginner ASPIRE level and commenced their more technical and focused journey in our POISE level. Your child will now enter our GRACE level, in which the title encompasses one of our main values of our dancers finding and continuing their inner grace not just in their dancing, but within their emotional self and journey through life. Students will have the same dance genres of the previous level consisting of: Classical Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Acrobatics and Showtime (musical theatre), Contemporary/Lyrical classes (must study a technique class of Ballet and/or Jazz class in order to meet the technical requirements of this genre).
Our more serious Ballet students will be training full-steam ahead in our Elite stream at this level will still be undertaking two ballet classes per week - their general Ballet class and their Grade 2 Cecchetti exam class, as a prerequisite to reach the correct level for their Ballet exam come July/August. An added bonus we encourage students to seek is the participation of the Grade 3 Ballet Exam class too (without sitting the exam, at NO EXTRA COST), in order to ensure they’re training at the highest level which will see fast-tracked results across all genres.
Students in our GRACE level will have increased opportunities available to them as the year progresses with access to in-house student’s own Choreography Competition, access to our Summer Intensive with industry renowned teachers in January, all school-related social events, along with extra-curricular activities such as prestigious awards days ran by Cecchetti Ballet Australia.
**Please note an entry level beginner student who is age 8 may need to enter previous ASPIRE level before commencing the POISE & GRACE levels to learn the fundamentals of basic technique first, depending on the class/es selected.
By now your child has acquired their passion and joy for dance in the KGD KIDZ level concreted their technical foundations in our Beginner ASPIRE level and commenced their more technical and focused journeys in our POISE & GRACE levels, your child will now enter our ELEGANCE level. It is here we take great delight in seeing all your child’s hard work in the previous levels come to fruition! Students will have the same dance genres of the previous level consisting of: Classical Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Acrobatics and Showtime (musical theatre), Contemporary/Lyrical classes (must study a technique class of Ballet and/or Jazz class in order to meet the technical requirements of this genre).
Our more serious Ballet students will still be training full-steam ahead in our Elite stream at this level will still be undertaking two ballet classes per week - their general Ballet class and their Grade 3 Cecchetti exam class, as a prerequisite to reach the correct level for their Ballet exam come July/August. An added bonus we encourage students to seek is the participation of the Grade 4 Ballet Exam class too (without sitting the exam, at NO EXTRA COST), in order to ensure they’re training at the highest level which will see fast-tracked results across all genres.
Students in our ELEGANCE level will have increased opportunities available to them as the year progresses with access to in-house student’s own Choreography Competition, access to our Summer Intensive with industry renowned teachers in January, all school-related social events, along with extra-curricular activities such as prestigious awards days ran by Cecchetti Ballet Australia.
**Please note an entry level beginner student who is age 9 may need to enter previous POISE level before commencing the GRACE & ELEGANCE levels to learn the fundamentals of basic technique first, depending on the class/es selected.
By now your child has concreted their technical foundations in our previous levels, your child will now begin their descent in our Junior school as they accelerate towards our Senior school. It is here in our ACCELERATE level, where we take great pride in seeing all our student’s hard work and training in the previous levels encapsulate, as they accelerate on their journey! Students will have the same dance genres of the previous level consisting of: Classical Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Acrobatics and Contemporary/Lyrical classes (must study a technique class of Ballet and/or Jazz class in order to meet the technical requirements of this genre).
Our more serious Ballet students will still be training full-steam ahead in our Elite stream at this level will still be undertaking two ballet classes per week - their general Ballet class and their Grade 4 Cecchetti exam class, as a prerequisite to reach the correct level for their Ballet exam come July/August. An added bonus we encourage students to seek is the participation of the Grade 5 Ballet Exam class too (without sitting the exam, at NO EXTRA COST), in order to ensure they’re training at the highest level which will see fast-tracked results across all genres.
Students in our ACCELERATE level will have increased opportunities available to them as the year progresses with access to in-house student’s own Choreography Competition, access to our Summer Intensive with industry renowned teachers in January, all school-related social events, along with extra-curricular activities such as prestigious awards days ran by Cecchetti Ballet Australia.
**Please note an entry level beginner student who is age 10 may need to enter previous GRACE level before commencing the ELEGANCE & ACCELERATE levels to learn the fundamentals of basic technique first, depending on the class/es selected.
ELEVATE - 11 yo
At last your child has graduated from our Junior School and now begins their pathway through our Senior School! It is here in our ELEVATE level, students are now at an advanced level and it is here where the door opens to more opportunities. Students will have the same dance genres of the previous level consisting of: Classical Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Acrobatics and Encore (musical theatre), Contemporary/Lyrical classes (must study a technique class of Ballet and/or Jazz class in order to meet the technical requirements of this genre).
Our more serious Ballet students will still be training full-steam ahead in our Elite stream at this level will still be undertaking two ballet classes per week - their general Ballet class and their Grade 5 Cecchetti exam class, as a prerequisite to reach the correct level for their Ballet exam come August/September. An added bonus we encourage students to seek is the participation of the Grade 6 Ballet Exam class too (without sitting the exam, at NO EXTRA COST), in order to ensure they’re training at the highest level which will see fast-tracked results across all genres. Upon deemed being ready in both strength and alignment, students at this level are invited to partake in Pre-Pointe class - every ballerina's ultimate dream!
Students in our ELEVATE level will have increased opportunities available to them as the year progresses with access to in-house student’s own Choreography Competition, access to our Summer Intensive with industry renowned teachers in January, all school-related social events, along with extra-curricular activities such as prestigious awards days ran by Cecchetti Ballet Australia.
**Please note an entry level beginner student who is age 11 may need to enter previous ELEGANCE level before commencing the ACCELERATE & ELEVATE levels to learn the fundamentals of basic technique first, depending on the class/es selected.
FINESSE - 12 & 13 yo
Students at the FINESSE level are now well and truly underway in our Senior School and are performing at an accomplished Advanced level. The door opens to continue more opportunities. Students in this program have access to the nationally renowned Dance Step Junior teacher program where they assist main teachers with the younger classes. To be eligible students must train at a high Ballet level and show enthusiasm. Students will have the same dance genres of the previous level consisting of: Classical Ballet, Pre-Pointe/Pointe, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Acrobatics and Encore (musical theatre), Contemporary/Lyrical classes (must study a technique class of Ballet and/or Jazz class in order to meet the technical requirements of this genre).
Our more serious Ballet students will still be training full-steam ahead in our Elite stream at this level will still be undertaking two ballet classes per week - their general Ballet class and their Grade 6 or Intermediate (first of the major levels) Cecchetti exam class, as a prerequisite to reach the correct level for their Ballet exam come August/September. An added bonus we encourage students to seek is the participation of the next Ballet Exam class above too (without sitting the exam, at NO EXTRA COST), in order to ensure they’re training at the highest level which will see fast-tracked results across all genres.
Students in our FINESSE level will have increased opportunities available to them as the year progresses with access to in-house student’s own Choreography Competition, access to our Summer Intensive with industry renowned teachers in January, regular Master Classes, all school-related social events, along with extra-curricular activities such as prestigious awards days ran by Cecchetti Ballet Australia.
**Please note an entry level beginner student who is age 12 or 13 may need to enter previous ACCELERATE level before commencing the preceding levels to learn the fundamentals of basic technique first, depending on the class/es selected.
ACHIEVE - 14 to 18 yo
Congratulations, your child has now reached the ultimate level at KGD - welcome to the ACHIEVE level, where the culmination of all our student’s training comes to fruition as students at this level are now considered accomplished, technical and versatile performers and have achieved an outstanding level in their journey with us. The pathways from here on are endless and generally students will strive to prepare themselves for further training beyond their high school years, eg; a full-time dance institution in the hopes to become a professional dancer or attain teaching qualifications, etc.
Students in this program still have access to the nationally renowned Dance Step teacher program (higher levels) where they assist main teachers with the younger classes. To be eligible students must train at a high Ballet level and show enthusiasm. Students will have the same dance genres of the previous level consisting of: Classical Ballet, Pointe work, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Acrobatics and Encore (musical theatre), Contemporary/Lyrical classes (must study a technique class of Ballet and/or Jazz class in order to meet the technical requirements of this genre).
Our more serious Ballet students will still be training full-steam ahead in our Elite stream at this level will still be undertaking 2-3 ballet classes per week - their general Ballet class and their Intermediate, Advanced 1 or Advanced 2 exam class, as a prerequisite to reach the correct level for their Ballet exam come August/September. An added bonus we encourage students to seek is the participation of the Ballet Exam class above too (without sitting the exam, at NO EXTRA COST), in order to ensure they’re training at the highest level which will see fast-tracked results across all genres.
Students in our ACHIEVE level will have increased opportunities available to them as the year progresses with access to in-house student’s own Choreography Competition, access to our Summer Intensive with industry renowned teachers in January, Master Classes, all school-related social events, along with extra-curricular activities such as prestigious awards days ran by Cecchetti Ballet Australia.
**Please note an entry level beginner student who is age 14 + will need to enter previous ACCELERATE level before commencing the preceding levels to learn the fundamentals of basic technique first, depending on the class/es selected.